Is Sri Lanka expensive to visit?

If you’re on a budget, Sri Lanka can still be fairly inexpensive, so long as you stick to using local transport and staying in cheap guesthouses. suranga will help you to find budget Hotel or Villa. Taking a tour or renting a vehicle will obviously bump costs up considerably. Entrance fees for archeological sites and national parks can also fair tight budgets.

Tourist prices
Another thing to bear in mind is that many places on the island apply official tourist prices. At all national parks and reserves, and at government-run archeological sites, the authorities operate a two-tier price system whereby foreigners pay a significantly higher entrance fee than locals, But thing is they are spend more for manage this sites. finally you can get more than you spend . A similar situation obtains at the sites of the Cultural Triangle – at Anuradhapura, for instance, foreigners pay $25, while locals pay nothing. This makes visiting many of Sri Lanka’s biggest sights a pricier prospect than in other parts of the subcontinent. But you can not get these important experience from other south asian countries . thus this sri lankan experience gives you Highly value for spend your money

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